Sunday, August 16, 2009

Grupo 467A at the CCM in Argentina

Here is Linday in a group shot at the Missionary Training Center in Argentina just before she left. Look for a turquois jacket.

'I think I’m going to be leaving on August 11th... so not much longer. it will be a Tuesday... not this next one, but the next. on Saturday we get to go proselytizing again!! yay! the gripe I think that{s flue... is getting better so we can go out. I’ve got such a fever to get out of here!!! feel the road under my feet and wind in my face... I have been going a little crazy. we say we are all just righteous concentration victims... it’s ok... I think once we get some actual time in the mission we will calm down a bit. we have a good time though in our class rooms. one thing that we do is have English fasts every week and we keep track of how many times each of us messes up and speaks English but when we get 5 or now its three times... we have to do a ‘prenda’, or a consequence... such as singing a song solo... or reciting something while rubbing your belly and patting your head...etc. it’s fun and it makes us learn a lot of Spanish in a day. also going out and actually talking to the people helps us with the Spanish. It’s come to the point now that we don{t really need much more instructing... it’s all just going to come with time and with practice."

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